Calling All Youth!!

Calvary Lutheran Church provides opportunities for middle school and high school youth to grow in their faith, learn to live out a life in Jesus Christ, and build a community enriched by the good news of God’s love and grace.

Learning on Sundays:

On Sundays from 11:30am - 1:00pm (subject to change) youth gather for a variety of activities and devotions at the church from Sept - May.  During the summer we meet once a month to stay connected and enjoy a fun activity together. (i.e.  lake day, hiking, etc.)  See the "News" tab for the Youth Group Monthly Schedule of activities.

Learning through Confirmation:

This is a two year program, typically during the 7th and 8th grade years, with Affirmation of Baptism (confirmation) taking place on Reformation Sunday after all requirements are met. We meet twice a month during the school year on Sunday afternoons for classes. Each student is also required to attend one summer of confirmation camp at Lutheridge camp, as well as work with a faith mentor throughout their two years. We do NOT believe that this is a graduation from church, but instead it is another Milestone in the faith journey where a young person has the opportunity to learn and explore how to better articulate their faith. This is NOT a requirement in the Lutheran church, but it is highly encouraged as an important part of learning and growing together.

Learning through Outdoor Ministry:

Sometimes we all need to get away from the every day to reconnect with God and learn about how beautifully and wonderfully we are made — what better place than in creation! Calvary partners primarily with Novus Way Ministries (Lutheridge, Lutherock, Lutheranch, and Luthersprings) and Camp Agape to provide these opportunities to our youth.

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Youth Group

Every Sunday from 11:30am-1:00pm (September to May) youth gather together, for devotions and a variety of activities. This is an important time for youth to continue to build their relationships with one another outside of major events. It is an opportunity to step outside of the pressures of daily life that teenagers face and to be in Christ-centered community where all are loved and accepted. The time is subject to change based on other events at the church or needs of the activity. If you or your youth would like to be on the email list, please let Pastor Paul know by emailing him at

2024-25 Youth Group Schedule of Events
Service —

While the youth are involved in other areas of service with the larger congregation, there are also some special ways they serve the church and the community throughout the year.

  • Annual Service-Learning trips (local, national, global)

  • Serving at BUCM

  • Making Care Packages for our College Students

  • Christmas Shopping for children in need at local schools

  • Making "plarn" out of plastic bags to then crochet into sleeping mats

  • Christmas Caroling to home-bound members

Youth Sunday

Check out one of our Youth Sundays on YouTube by clicking this Link! Youth are encouraged and supported to be leaders in worship year round. However, we set aside one Sunday a year when this amazing group of young people plan and lead all aspects of worship. This is a great opportunity for our youth to learn more about worship, practice different leadership roles, and bring fresh experiences to worship.

Fellowship and Fun — 

Because let’s face it, we like to have fun together! Some activities we have done include:

  • Lock-ins
  • Zip lining and tubing
  • Chili Bowl Football Game
  • Game Day

Youth Gatherings

Lutheran Youth Organization Assembly (NC Synod)

The Lutheran Youth Organization (LYO) of the North Carolina Synod is open to all youth in grades 6-12. LYO Assembly happens in February and runs the entire weekend.  Youth are members by virtue of being a member of any NC Synod ELCA congregation. At LYO Assembly, youth spend time with each other in small groups, singing with the band and growing in faith. Calvary’s youth have a blast during the weekend, especially dressing up for the banquet and dance that takes place Saturday night during the conference weekend. (as shown by the picture.) The 2025 LYO Weekend will be the weekend of February 28th.

National Youth Gathering (ELCA)

Every three years, 30,000 high school youth and their adult leaders gather for a week of faith formation known as the ELCA Youth Gathering. Through days spent in interactive learning, worship, Bible study, service and fellowship, young people grow in faith and are challenged and inspired to live their faith in their daily lives. The next Gathering will be in 2024 in New Orleans!


Camping ministry is an invaluable experience for people of all ages, but can be particularly formative for youth. Our camps in NC are LutheridgeLutherock, and Agape.  We have scholarships available as well! Please speak to Deacon Andrew More for more information.